Tattoo Do’s and Don’ts: Why you shouldn’t drink before you ink
Getting a new tattoo can be equally as exciting as it is nerve racking. You may be tempted to down some liquid courage to ease the anxiety before the appointment. This may sound like a great idea but you should think again before touching the bottle because heavy drinking is a big no-no before getting tattooed.
Less control over your body:
Your skin is pierced between 50 and 3,000 times per minute while getting a tattoo. Depending on the size tattoo you’re getting, you can be sitting in that chair for hours. This trauma to the skin can be mentally and physically draining. Combined with alcohol, only makes the process more grueling.
Since you don’t have as much control of your body as when you’re sober you may unknowingly be fidgeting during the process so you can kiss straight crisp lines goodbye! And don’t even think about using the bathroom. Alcohol is a diuretic and causes kidneys to release excess water which can result in dehydration and many trips to the bathroom. Too many breaks will only be more painful for you, annoying to the artist and dehydration can cause you to pass out. Clearly not a good combination.

Lack of Judgement:
There can be a lot to think about when it comes to choosing something that will be on your body for the rest of your life. Alcohol not only impairs vision, but judgement so you’re more inclined to get whatever for the fun of it. It’s all fun and games until you wake up the next morning with a hangover and a bad tattoo.

Thinned Blood:
Alcohol consumption can temporarily cause blood thinning making it difficult to clot. Excessive bleeding can ruin the artists stencil while they’re tattooing you as well as make it harder for the artists to pack ink into the skin and have a smooth outcome. The ink will push out the skin just as fast as it’s being applied. Your end result will be a patchy and less appealing tattoo.

Some other reasons you should reconsider drinking before your appointment is simply out of respect and courtesy for yourself and the tattoo shop/artist. There’s nothing more embarrassing than acting a fool and not being able to remember it the next day. Tattoo artists are here to make your ink visions come to life and working with someone inebriated is less than ideal. Not to mention, there will more than likely be other clients at the shop and if they see the artist working with a drunk person, they may question the shops integrity. Most respectable artists would turn you down anyway if you show up drunk so it’s best not to put yourself or the artist in that situation, especially if you left a deposit.

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